प्रयान्ति तत्प्रवक्ष्यामि स्फ़ुटिकरणमादरात्॥
सुर्य सिद्धान्त ॥
यस्मिन् पक्षे यत्र काले येन दृग्गणितैक्यम्।
दृश्यते तेन पक्षेण कुर्यात्तिथ्यादिनिर्णयम्॥
यात्राविवाहोत्सवजातकादौ खेटैः स्फुटैरेवफलस्फुटत्वम्।
स्यात्प्रोच्यते तेन नभश्चराणां स्फुटक्रिया दृग्गणितैक्यकृद्या॥
तिथिर्विष्णुस्तथा वारो नक्षत्रं विष्णुरेव च।
योगश्च करणं चैव सर्वं विष्णु मयं जगत्॥
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Hindu Festivals for 2010 for the world
2010 Festivals lists download link http://www.mypanchang.com/hindufestivals2010.php
(This link has a list of festivals and their observance dates for each time zone in USA/Canada, UK, and India. also has a downloadable iCalendar file for each timezone mentioned above. You can download them and merge with your outlook, Google Calendar, Live Calendar or Yahoo Calendar or any Calendar that supports iCalendar format.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
December 31st 2009 Eclipse
December 31st eclipse visibility path.
Notes: It's not visible in most of united states and canada, except in some parts of north east and north western canada. visible in other parts. if not visible in your area you don't have to observe eclipse. that is you can go out and have fun. if it's visible in your area then you do whatever prescribed by dharmashastras.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tiger Woods extra marital affairs astrological analysis

Now if we look for these in Tiger Wood's chart:
1. From Lagna:
a. Kanya Lagna and hence 12th lord is the Sun deposited in the 4th house. The Lagna lord Budh is in the constellation of the Sun. The 12th lord is connected to the lagna.
b. The Third house lord Mars aspecting the 3rd house gives him courage.
c. The 4th house lord is jupiter and is in own rashi -- Mina in the 7th house but he is debiliated in navamsa (he is the 12th lord in navamsa and in lagna in D-9) and hence becomes weak and the presence of the 12th lord in the 4th house, also another indication of secret relationships as the budh the lagna lord is in nakshatra of sun. The sun is in the nakshatra of Venus.
d. The fifth house and the moon means emotions: The moon is debilitated here with the Venus. Born in krishna paksha and hence moon becomes weak. This makes effect of venus -- attraction to opposite sex can be seen. The Moon is also ascpected by the 8th lord Mars.
e. The eighth lord Mars is in Venus's rashi and the Venus is in Mar's rashi. The clear exchange between their rashis establishes relationships between the Mars and Venus and they aspect each other making this relationship even stronger. In the Navamasa chart both Venus and the Mars in the 8th house with the 8th lord.
f. The Eight lord Mars also aspects 12th house and the lord the Sun who is deposited in the 4th house.
g. Venus is in nakshatra of Saturn.
h. The Guru in the 7th house gives him good wife .
2. Now from Moon and the Venus as a lagna:
a. Moon is with Venus.
b. 12th from moon is tula and the lord is venus with moon and also Rahu in the 12th house aspecting the Moon and the Venus.
c. He has a kuja dosha with venus aspecting from both Moon and the Venus.
d. The Moon is in the nakshatra of 8th lord Mercury.
e. The 8th lord from moon mercury is aspecting the 4th lord Saturn and the mercury is deposited in the Saturn's rashi.
f. The Rahu from the 12th house aspecting the 4th house and the 8th house.
3. Now let's look at current Dasa
a. Visomttari Dasa: (Sun-Ven: June 2009 to June 2010). He is currently in Sun mahadasa (the lord of the 12th) and in connection with 8th lord. He is running anterdasa of the Venus who is 12th from the Major lord and in connection with Rahu, Mars and saturn.
b. Narayana Dasa he is in dasa of Leo-Sg. The Leo -- simha rashi in the 12th house -- secret relationships the lord Sun who is connected with 8th lord Mars, Venus. The Sagittarius -- Dhanu rashi in the 4th house and also in connection with the Mars, venus (through sun).
4. Remedy
a. Guru is aspecting lagna, venus, moon, and the Saturn. Although he is the 7th lord (sex) but good guru can always put leash to sensual cravings. In his case guru is weak. He can put Yellow Sapphire but he is also the 7th lord and hence maraka and could be dangerous. Hence:
i. Guru Puja, Wearing Guru Kavach will help.
ii. Worshipping Rahu -- Durga puja
iii. Mangal -- Subramaniam puja.
iv. Moon -- Shiva -- Parvati Puja would help.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
New born child in ICU -- Vedic Astrology case study
The child is born under Saturn – Venus – Jupiter dasa. When he was born he was diagnosed with large heart and having trouble breathing. I was been asked if the child will survive or not.
Heart related diseases and Vedic Astrology:
- Moon
- Karka Rashi
- 4th house
Chart Analysis
- Child is born in Vrishabha lagna – sthira lagna and hence Saturn yoga karaka but bhadhaka and Jupiter in badhaka sthana hence creating turbulence in health.
- Lagna is well afflicted by Maandi and Gulika.
- Saturn – Venus – Jupiter Dasa
- Karka rashi rules heart and Mars debilitated in that house and hence this makes karka rashi afflicted, asthamesh Jupiter with mula trikona rashi dhanush in 8th house makes Jupiter strong functional malefic and same way Mars’s mulatrikona mesha rashi in the 12th house and hence making him strong malefic.
- Chandra also rules heart and is debilitated in the chart and its lord is debilitated too.
- Saturn aspects Chandra by close aspect of nearly 60 degrees (3rd aspect).
- Jupiter in asthamesha and in asthama sthana in navamsha.
- Jupiter is debiliated.
- Jupiter is in the nakshatra of Mars the lord of 12th and deposited in the 3rd house.
- Venus is the lord of the sixth house and his mula trikona tula rashi in the 6th house and hence make him strong functional malefic. In vrishabha lagna venus is strong functional malefic. Also venus becomes exalted in navamsa and hence becomes a strong trouble maker.
- Mars aspects Venus with 4th sight and hence adding worries for Venus.
- Mars is debiliated in the 3rd house.
- Venus is in nakshatra of rahu who is in the 8th house.
- The native is running dasa of Saturn whose mula trikona rashi is aspected by strong malefic Mars.
- Saturn is yoga karaka and well placed in kona but his both rashis are occupied and aspected by Functional malefic Jupiter and natural malefic and functional malefic Mars.
- Saturn is in sun's nakshatra who is sitting in maraka sthana (7th house).
- Rahu in the 8th house causing turbulence in health.
- Rahu aspects Jupiter in the 9th bhava.
- 4th house is between papa-kartari of Mars and Saturn.
- Rahu aspecting 4th house.
From Chandra langa:
- Chandra in Vrischika debilitate and the Mars in the badhaka sthana from moon.
- Current dasa lord Saturn is a strong malefic and in the 11th house.
- Venus is strong functional malefic and a killer and deposited in the 12th bhava.
- Jupiter is also the killer being the lord of 2nd house from moon and deposited in the 3rd house.
- Natural malefic and Functional malefic Mars aspects Jupiter who is killer and Saturn’s both rashis – Makara and Kumbha.
- Ketu in 8th house makes him face dangers in life.
- 4th house aspected by Mars.
From point of view of lagna and moon, lagna is 2 degrees and moon is 9 degrees. All these mentioned above make current mahadasa of Saturn give adverse result even though Saturn being yoga karaka in rasi chart.
Chances of survival:
- Jupiter natural benefic aspects Mars. Although Jupiter is functional malefic but his aspect will be always benefic. Being the functional malefic he might create hiccup but will always try to help native.
- Jupiter aspecting lagna.
- Although lagna lord Venus in 6th bhava but in vaiseshikamsas he is in Simhasanasha, and making lagna lord strong.
- Lagna lord gets exalted in navamsa.
- Moon with functional benefic sun and mercury.
- Jupiter is weak in shadbala weakens him as 8th lord but weakens saving aspect as well but he is positioned in the 9th house may give long recovery path.
- Saturn: Hanuman chalisa
- Jupiter: Jupiter mantra Jaapa or reading of Jupiter charitra, or worship chanting of sai naam japaa.
- Venus: Venus mantra or mahamrityunjya japa.
- Mars: Hanuman chalisa, Kartikeya swami mantra japaa.
Jupiter mantra japa and hanuman chalisa did help child and within a day doctor declared that he is safe.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Paul Allen's Cancer and Astrological Analysis
Paul Allen's Vedic Birth Chart
Vedic Astrology and Lymphatic System
According to vedic astrology following are the indicators of Lympatic System:
- The Chandra (Chandra (Moon)).
- The Karka rashi (Cancer sign).
- The Mina rashi (Pieces sign).
- The 4th house rules lymphatic system.
Any afflictions to these can cause troubles. Rahu and Ketu always causes complex problems like cancer and when more malefic planets joins this equation the things becomes more and more complex. Now let’s look for these things into Mr. Paul Allen’s Vedic birth chart.
Paul Allen's Vedic Chart Analysis
- He is born in mesha lagna with Chandra and Guru (Jupiter) in lagna.
- Both Guru (Jupiter) and Chandra are afflicted by presence of Gulika and Mandi in the first house.
- However Guru (Jupiter)’s own Mula Trikona rashi Dhanush is receiving aspect from Shani (Saturn) but not on the exact cusp of dhanush (Shani (Saturn) is 4 degrees and lagna is 29 degrees and hence very far, some small hiccup but not major influence).
- The Guru (Jupiter)’s another rashi mina is free from affliction as well.
- The Guru (Jupiter) is the lord of 9th with its Mula Trikona rashi into the the 9th house and hence Functional benefic.
- The Functional Benefic planets don’t like influence from malefic.
- The Guru is positioned between Maandi and Gulika.
- The Chandra (Moon) on other hand receiving exact 180 degree opposition aspect from Shani.
- The Shani is the lord of 10th and 11th House and hence Functional Malefic in this case.
- The Shani’s aspects are always bad.
- The Guru (Jupiter)’s aspects are always good.
- Chandra (Moon)’s and its own karka rashi has malefic influence.
a. Chandra (Moon) is in Ketu’s nakshatra.
b. Chandra (Moon) is just 3 degrees and hence weak.
c. Ketu deposited into his Karka rashi in the 4th house, aspected by the Rahu and Budha (Mercury).
d. The Budha (Mercury) is the lord of 3rd (Eight from Eight house) and the 6th house (Diseases).
e. Here rahu is with Budha and in sign of Shani (Saturn) and hence becomes an agent of Shani (Saturn) and Budha.
f. Budha (Mercury) is of 0 degrees and hence further weakened by malefic influences of rahu.
g. This makes Chandra (Moon)’s own rashi karka weak by malefic influences. - So overall picture: Chandra (Moon) is afflicted, Karka Rashi is afflicted, the fourth house is afflicted. These all combinations and influences of rahu and ketu give cancer.
- Rahu is in afflicted Moon's nakshatra.
- Malific Rahu aspecting his 2nd, 6th, 4th and 11th houses.
- He is currently running dasa of Rahu and Budha (Mercury), and hence he is diagnosed with cancer into this dasa. He was also diagnosed with similar things 25 years back, at that time Chandra (Moon)’s dasa was going on and the Chandra (Moon) is very weak in his chart.
All these combinations present in his chart gave him troubles related to lymphatic system and effects of rahu ketu always effects the area they afflict and complex diseases, and here in this chart multiple afflictions leading to the complex treatment.
Remedy as per Hindu System
- Rahu means Durga Puja, and Rahu Shanti.
- Ketu means Ganesha Puja, and Ketu Shanti.
- Budha means Vishnu Puja, Vishnu Sahasra nama.
- Moon means Shiva parivar -- Shiva, Parvati Puja chanting of Mahamrityunjaya japa would help.
for more details on hindu vedic panchanga please visit http://www.mypanchang.com/
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Transferring muhurtham from India to other countries like USA, Canada, England, Gulf, Australia, etc...
Question: Even though I don't live in India, can I use muhurtham prepared in India by my family astrologer/sastrigal? I have also been told its the most auspicious muhurtham according to mine and my wife's stars.
Muhurtham calculated in Chennai based on Chennai's longitude, latitude can't be used in New Delhi. Using them out of India will not work. The following example will explain why:
Muhurtham depends on panchangam that is five limbs: Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana.
Additionally it also depends on solar month name and lunar month name, As major solah samsakar (16 rites) are performed according to the solar calendar and graha pravesha and other muhurthas are prepared using lunisolar month.
The auspicious day needs to be found from the local calendar not from Indian calendar if you live outside India, as we have explained before in previous example. Once we fix the good day, we need to drill down to find most auspicious time. This time can be found by using hora, rahu kalam, lagna, chogadia and other factors. Most common practice is to use sthira lagna -- vrishabha, simha, vrischika, kumbha lagna. Now hora, rahukalam, and lagna are always dependent on local sunrise, not from Indian sunrise. for example sun will be always in ascendant during sunrise's chart, and during the madhyahana it will be always in the 10th house, during sunset it will be in 7th house, and during midnight it will be always in 4th house, in any part of the world. Most people use fixed rahukalam like on every saturday rahukalam willbe from 9:00 to 10:30 AM which is also completely wrong as sun never rises at 6:00 AM and sets at 6:00 PM on everyday.
Now let's say vrishabha lagna on April 7th in India (Bangalore) starts around 8:30 AM (Anuradha nakshatram), now if you subtract 12:30 mins for Pacific Daylight Saving time (Seattle) you'll get 8:00 PM on April 6th in Seattle. This time it will be Libra (Tula) lagna in Seattle, which is not sthira lagna or vrishabha lagna. Vrishabha lagna in Seattle starts around 8:08 AM on April 7th and by, the way at that time in Seattle nakshatra is jyestha not anuradha nakshatra as our family astrologer in India suggested a good time in India (Anuradha nakshastra and Vrishabha lagna combination). Anuradha nakshatra changes at 6:58 AM in the morning. So this changes the entire ball game. We need another lagna, may kumbha lagna for Seattle which is very early morning.
Someone argued that with tools available anyone can do the calculation, but in our experience, the number of calls we are getting every day even with the tools and knowledge people still have troubles calculating muhurthams for locations out of India. I am not saying all of the muhurthams prepared in India for locations outside of India are wrong, but some of them are. I have seen very good muhurthams prepared in India when brought to us for verification, and I know so many people in India who use appropriate tools and fix perfect muhurthams even for locations out of India. So, there is awareness but we need more, and we promise that we'll continue to generate more and more awareness about our rich tradition. We just want to provide tools to astrologers, and a common man so they can follow our rich tradition. This site is for everyone free to use.
BTW, we are not charging anything for using our panchangam. We just want to create awareness. Remember its your muhurthams, your event is in matter not astrologer's event or muhurthams. If you believe in muhurtham get the right muhurtham not off by minutes. A couple of minutes here and there are acceptable but not too much.
Rahu kalam, Yamagandam, Gulika kala timings are not fix like most panchangam shows. They show assuming sunrises at 6:00 AM and sets at 6:00 PM. They are calculated from sunrise to sunset. Please click here to learn more about rahu kalam, yamagandam, and gulika kala.Chogadia, like hora, is also counted from sunrise. We have given the complete chogadia table on this page. Please scroll down to the bottom in calendar section and load calendar and you will find chogadia as a link in those panchangam.
The muhurthams cannot be transferred to another city from Indian muhurtham you need to calculate for that place. Transferring is wrong practice. Always use the panchangam of the local city not Indian panchangam. That's why always use www.mypanchang.com to find panchangam of the city you are interested in. We are actively working to add as many features as possible.
Differences in various panchangam:
Someone brought to our attention about difference in one of the non-drika (vedic--Grahalagava, Surya-siddhanta, Vakiyam and other systems) panchangam and drika panchangam including ours. This is because we use high precision algorithms based on NASA's JPL DE405 ephemeris and most modern panchangam are based on this technology, and it is very accurate compared to ancient Grahalaghava, Vakiyam and other methods. We can assure you that the data contained in our panchangam is as accurate as possible based on modern technology but keeping old tradition alive. The difference between our high precise panchang and other panchang based on surya-siddhanta, Vakiyam or grahalaghav could go up to couple of hours in the timings.
The "drik ganita” means calculations corresponding to observable reality. If someone is using surya siddhanta based panchang then their values will be off by 2 hours comapring to drik panchang. That is because they have to do observation and apply bija samskaram due to precession of the equinoxes. These observation has not been done in centuries and these formulas has become outdated.
Now a days Vedic panchang-makers don't do observation and apply appropriate bija samskar that's why vedic panchangam are way off compared to drik ganita panchang. In order to prove they are not wrong they silently copy the eclipse timings from drik panchangam, otherwise eclipse their calculation will be off by several hours, and you will not be able to observe eclipse using their timings, but you can observe eclipse correctly with the times specified in drik panchang. This really creates confusion in people's mind, about which panchang to follow? Our shastras are not wrong but people donot observe sun, moon and planets and do not apply appropriate bija samskara which creates differences in panchangam and creates confusion. Lokamanya Tilak advocated for Drik panchang as he was scholar and mathematician. Pundit Dhundiraj Shaastree Date is one of the pioneer in the field of drika ganita panchangam (Date Panchangkarte Solapur). I have used Date panchang a lot along with Nirnaysagar panchang, Janmabhoomi panchang etc.
Question: But we are indian, so Shouldn't we follow indian calender?
A Very short answer. No. Just because you are indian you can't use indian calender published in india outside of india. The reason. Location where you are is different and the earth is not Flat. If you believe that the earth is flat then only you can use the indian calendar outside of India. Please read above explantion.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Learn to read Hindu Panchangam using interactive video
This video was recorded by mypanchang.com:
Pundit Mahesh Shastri
Ms. Anuva Kumari
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Diwali and Dhanteras Lakshmi puja muhurtha
The above site contains a link for a lakshmi puja vidhi and dhanteras and diwali lakshmi puja muhurtha for 2009.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Karawa Chauth 2009 October 7th or October 8th 2009
Every year this confusion arises. I write article every year explaining this.
Rule for observing karwachauth:
- Purnimant Kartika Krishna paksha Chaturthi which is Amavasyant Ashwin Krishna Paksha Chaturthi
According to North Indian System Krishna Paksha comes first and then Shukla Paksha. According to South Indian, Gujarat, Maharatra System Shukla Paksha comes first followed by krishna paksha. Hence we have difference.
Nirnaysindhy says:
"Karwa Chauth to be observed at moonrise (chandrodaya vyapini) and poorvaviddha, best if its tritiya viddha. If visible during both days take the first one, if not visible on both days then take the second one".
The specific time for karwa chauth is moonrise time. This means the chaturthi tithi needs to be visible at the moonrise time. Chaturthi tithi appearing at the sunrise time cannot be taken if it appears on moonrise time on either days.
Now what most people, online site do is take the tithi visible at the sunrise and they think karwa chauth is always fourth day from the Purnima, is wrong from the above quote dharmashastra from Nirnaysindhu.
In 2009: Average moonrise time in india and america varies from 8 PM to 10 PM (depends on the location). The moon should be visible when chaturthi tithi is rising. If it doesn't happen on both days THEN only take the rising tithi. If the tithi changes to chaturthi just before moonrise then that day should be taken no matter even if tritiya is in morning or not.
Please visit http://www.mypanchang.com/panchang2009.html to visit panchang for your city to find moonrising time for your city. In India tritiya tithi finishes at 9:46 AM on October 7th 2009 and then Chaturthi tithi comes and it persists till next day morning on October 8th till 8:28 AM but not long enough to hit moonrise time on October 8th 2009. Hence Karwa Chauth in India is on October 7th, 2009.
Now whenever tithi changes it changes the same instance all over the world. This means if tritiya ends on 9:46 AM in India on October 7th 2009 then It will end at the same time in Europe, America, Australia everywhere as well. Now time difference between London and India is 5 hours 30 minutes. London is observing daylight saving at this time and hence time difference is 4 hours 30 minutes. Please subtract 4 hours 30 minutes from 9:46 AM of October 7th 2009 and you will get Tritiya ending time for London, UK and Chaturthi entering time for London UK. Los Angeles, USA, Seattle, USA is 12 hours 30 minutes behind India. To find Tritiya ending times in those places we have to subtract 12 hours 30 minutes from 9:46 AM of October 7th 2009. This will give you Tritiya ending time for Seattle, and USA like wise New york, USA is 9 hours 30 minutes behind from India (due to summer time, winter 10 hours 30 minutes). So subtract 9 hours 30 minutes from Tritiya ending times 9:46 AM on October 7th 2009 and It will give you Tritiya ending time of New York and Chaturthi rising time of New York.
Now remember when countries are behind in time from USA means we have to subtract the time zone difference from India time and When countries are ahead in time from India we have to add the time difference to the indian time. After doing that step check the local parameters like Sunrise, Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset. This times will vary from place to places all over the world. For more details please read http://www.mypanchang.com/Why-there-is-a-one-day-difference-in-hindu-festival-dates-in-India-and-America.php. In our case Moonrise timings are important.
Now based on that we hace calculated following tritiya ending times tithi for various places in the world.
- India: October 7th 2009, 9:46 AM
- London UK: 5:16 AM of October 7th 2009 (Panchang will represent this as 29:16)
- New York, USA: 00:16 AM of October 7th 2009 (Panchang will represent this as 24:16)
- Seattle, Los Angeles, USA: 21:16 PM of October 6th 2009
Now let's see when Chaturthi ends in these places.
- India: 8:28 AM of October 8th 2009
- London UK: 27:58 of October 7th 2009 (means 3:58AM of October 8th 2009)
- New York, USA: 22:58 of October 7th 2009
- Seattle, Los Angeles, USA: 19:58 PM of October 7th 2009
Now let's apply average moonrise timings to these cities (For actual moonrise timings please visit tp://www.mypanchang.com/panchang2009.html) which is rougly 8 to 10 PM. Now if we apply that it's clear that on October 8th 2009 during moonrise timings chaturthi tithi is not there. Hence October 8th cannot be taken as a karwa chauth. In certain parts of USA chaturthi tithi isn't visible during moonrise but it is not visible on either days and hence take the next day as per that rule we have calculated Karwa chauth dates for following places in the world:
Now remember most cities or calendar makers in india do not follow dharmashatra properly. Hence they can't explain you the detailed calculations done by pannchang siddhantis to determine real festival dates. Pundit Mahesh Shastri is a panchang siddhanti and he has put this detailed calculation of Karwa Chauth for you.
Karwa Chauth dates for 2009
- Hawaii: October 6th 2009
- Entire World except Hawaii: October 7th 2009
for more details please visit http://www.mypanchang.com/. Please feel free to share this article with your friends and family.
Shubham Bhavatu
Pundit Mahesh Shastri
Seattle, WA
August 21 2009
Labh Pancham / Panchami 2009
- USA, Canada: October 22th 2009
- Europe: October 22th 2009
- Gulf Countries, Mauritius, India, Srilanka, Bangladesh: October 23th 2009
- Japan, Australia, Newzeland, Fiji: October 23th 2009
Bhai Bij / Bhau Bij / Yama dwitiya 2009
- USA, Canada: October 19th 2009
- Europe: October 19th 2009
- Gulf Countries, Mauritius, India, Srilanka, Bangladesh: October 20th 2009
- Japan, Australia, Newzeland, Fiji: October 20th 2009
Gujarati New Year / Kartak Shukla Paksha 2009
- USA, Canada: October 18th 2009
- Europe: October 18th 2009
- Gulf Countries, Mauritius, India, Srilanka, Bangladesh: October 19th 2009
- Japan, Australia, Newzeland, Fiji: October 19th 2009
Dipawali Lakshami Puja 2009
Note: Diwali Lakshmi puja muhurata coming soon.
- USA, Canada: October 17th 2009
- Europe, Gulf Countries, Mauritius, India, Srilanka, Bangladesh: October 17th 2009
- Singapore, Japan, Australia: October 17th, October 18th 2009
- Newzeland, Fiji: October 18th 2009
Diwali (Going to temple, Oil Bath etc...)
- USA, Canada: October 17th 2009
- Europe: October 17th 2009
- Gulf Countries, Mauritius, India, Srilanka, Bangladesh: October 18th 2009
- Japan, Australia, Newzeland, Fiji: October 18th 2009
Narak Chaturdashi 2009
- USA, Canada: October 16th 2009
- England, Africa, Gulf Countries, Mauritius: October 17th 2009
- India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh: October 17th 2009
- Singapore, Malaysia: October 17 th 2009
- Japan, Australia, Newzeland, Fiji: October 17th 2009
Kali Chaudash 2009
- USA, Canada: October 16th 2009
- England, Africa, Gulf Countries: October 16th 2009
- India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh: October 16th 2009
- Singapore, Malaysia: October 16th 2009
- Japan, Australia, Newzeland, Fiji: October 17th 2009
Dhanatrayodashi (Dhanateras) 2009
Note: Dhanateras Lakshmi puja muhurata coming soon.
- USA, Canada: October 15th 2009
- Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries, India: October 15th 2009
- Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Newzeland, Fiji: October 16th 2009
Govatsa Dwadashi (Vaagbaras, Vasubaras) 2009
- USA, Canada: October 14th 2009
- Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries, India: October 15th 2009
- Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, Newzeland, Fiji: October 15th 2009
Ahoi Asthami 2009
- USA, Canada: October 10th 2009
- Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries, India, Australia, Newzeland, Fiji: October 11th 2009
Karawa Chauth 2009
- Hawaii: October 6th 2009
- Entire World except Hawaii: October 7th 2009
Sharad Purnima 2009
- USA, Canada, England, Ireland: October 3rd 2009
- France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden (Europe -- East of UK): October 4th 2009
- Africa, Gulf Countries, India, Australia, Newzeland, Fiji: October 4th 2009
Vijayadashami, Dussera, Dashera 2009
- USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries: September 28th 2009
- India, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan: September 28th 2009
- Australia, Newzeland, Fiji: September 29th 2009
Durg asthami / Navaratri ashtami 2009
- Hawaii: September 25th 2009
- All other parts of world except Hawaii: September 26th 2009
Chaitra Navaratri Starts 2009
- Hawaii: September 18th 2009
- All other Parts of world except Hawaii: September 19th 2009
Mahalaya Maha amavasya: (Shraddha Paksha Ends)
- Hawaii: September 17th 2009
- All other Parts of world except Hawaii: September 18th 2009
Mahalaya Parva Starts (Shraddha Paksha Starts) 2009
- USA, Canada: September 4th 2009
- All Countries except USA/Canada: September 5th 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
panchangam added for cities in America, India, Europe
More panchangam added for various cities in mypanchang.com. To access them please visit http://www.mypanchang.com/panchang2009.html
Panchangam for Following cities have been added to mypanchang.com. They are avilable in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada.
Anand, Gujarat, India
Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India
Bhopal, India
Darjiling, West Bengal
Gaya (Holy Gaya Ji), Bihar
Godhra, Gujarat
Gurgaon, Haryana
Haridwar, Uttarakhand
Manali, Himacha lPradesh, India
Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India
Nainital, Uttarakhand
Patan, Gujarat
Patna, Bihar, India
Proddatur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Rohtak, Hariyana
Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Asheville, North Carolina, USA
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Gallup, New Mexico
Greenville, North Carolina, USA
Laramie, Wyoming
Mason, OH, USA
Mount Shasta, CA
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
San Mateo, CA
Vienna, VA
Wichita, Kansas, USA
Bogota, Columbia, SouthAmerica
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Geneva, Switzerland
Istanbul, Turkey
Milano, Italy
Rome, Italy
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Augusta, ME
Badrinath, Uttarakhand
Brandon, MS
Charleston, WV
Copenhagen, Denmark
Corvalis, OR
Dakor, Kheda, Gujarat
Gangotri, Uttarakhand
Helena, MT
Kedarnath, Uttarakhand
Montpelier, VT
Pierre, SD
Providence, RI
Rishikesh, Uttarakhand
Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand
Fayetville, AR
Please visit http://www.mypanchang.com
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Janmasthami Calculations for Seattle, WA USA for year 2009
- Hindu day is from one sunrise to another sunrise.
- Hindu night is from sunset to next sunrise it doesn't end at 12:00 midnight.
- Midnight definition is middle of the night and hence exactly half of the (today's sunset - nextday's sunrise).
- Nishitha kala is 8th muhurtha which includes midnight means 24 minutes (1 ghatika on either side of the midnight).
- Krishna Jansmasthami needs to be observed when Asthami prevails during nishitha kala it doesn't matter which tithi is in the morning if there is a rohini nakshatra next day and asthami doesn't prevail during midnight next day take the next day otherwise previous day. Asthami + Rohini nakshatra yoga is primary otherwise Astami prevailing during midnight is taken. If exists on both days then take the second.
- Sunrise on August 13th, 2009. 6:07 AM,
- Sunset on August 12th, 20:21 PM.
- Length of night is 9:47 minutes.
- Midnight is never 12:00 as the sun doesn't rise at 6:00AM and sets at 6:00 PM.
- Actual midnight is (next day sunrise - previousday sunset) / 2.
- Midnight will be 1:14 AM on August 13 th 2009
- Tithi saptami ends in seattle at on Aug 12, 2009 24:26 (00:26 on ...Aug 13).
- Hence asthami prevails before midnight nishitha kala
- Nishita kala is the eighth muhurtha.
- Nishita kala starts on August 13th morning and 12th night from 00:40 lasts till 1:38.
- Asthami ends on aug 13th in Seattle at 23:15 and it isn't prevailing on midnight of 13th.
- Additionally there is no yoga of Rohini nakshatra (krishna's birth nakshatra) on August 13th
- Hence in the pacific time zone Janmashami for fasting is on August 12th not august 13th.
- For CST, MST, PST time zones of America, Janmasthami is on August 13th.
This is as per dharmagranthas like nirnyasindhu, dharmsindhu, tithi nirnay etc....
Friday, August 7, 2009
How to read and interpret panchangam
This articles explains normal way of representing panchang data. This will also explain you how to access panchangam data available at http://www.mypanchang.com/
- 1. We keep updating our site constantly, before accessing our site we request you to clear your browser cache (optional).
- 2. Please click for 2009 panchangam or 2010 panchangam
- 3. Scroll down to click on your city under appropriate country on that page.
- 4. click on your choice of language under appropriate category.
- 5. To change months there is a link on top of page to switch months.
- 6. Panchangams are given from January to December for 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
- 7. How to interpret panchangam guide can be found here.
Timings mentioned in panchangam:
The english day is from midnight to midnight. Hence they reset the clock at midnight along with the date and the day. The indian day is from the sunrise to sunrise. Tithis, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana can end at anytime during the day. Unlike english dates they do not really start at midnight and end at midnight. Their end times are denoted in panchangam. Now if Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana (Panchang Elements) ends before midnight their times will be normal time but in 24 hour format. If they end after midnight but before next sunrise then their time will be more than 24. Which means if they end at after 1:00 AM panchangam shows 25:00, 2:00 AM will show 26:00, 3:00 AM will show 27:00, 4:00 AM will show 28:00, 5:00 AM will show 29:00, 6:00 AM will show 30:00, 7:00 AM will show 31:00. After the sunrise panchangam time will show normal clock timings. for example: on August 2nd Tithi tritiya ends at 26:23:02 it means it ends on August 3rd at 2:23:02 AM. The day still remains same as we mention indian day not english day. This is the standard panchangam convention. Once you know this you can read any printed or online panchangam. However certain online panchangam use only 24 hour format but it's a non-standard way of representing, and it makes difficult to know the rising Tithi, Nakshatra at sunrise. The convention used on this site is the standard convention and it makes easy know the Tithi and the Nakshatra at the sunrise.
All Tithi(T:), Nakshatra(N:), Yoga(Y:), and Karana(K:) timings denotes end timings. Sun's (SN:), Moon(MN:)'s timings are timing when they enter the new sign and they are in english 24 hour format. To learn more about panchangam please click here.
Shani / Saturn Transit (Peyarchi) into Kanya Rashi
Shani Maharaj is transiting into Kanya rashi on September 9th 2009 (As per drika siddhanta), and Shani Maharaj will stay there for 2 and half years.
- Chhota dhaiya (small panoti)
- Mithuna:(2.5 years) Base gold opposition in family, small diseases, expenses will increase, feud, opposition with people.
- Kumbha rashi: (2.5 years) Base Copper: financial benefit, marriage, and kids, happiness.
- Bada Dhaiya (Sade sati):
- Simha Rashi 3rd stage of sade sati -- on the feet: Base silver: business, job progress will be better, finance, inheritence, happiness.
- Kyana Rashi 2nd stage of sade sati -- on the chest: Base iron:heath troubles, blood problems, wife will have troubles, loss, expenses will increase.
- Tula Rashi 1st stage of sade sati -- on the head: Base copper: financial benefit, marriage, and kids, happiness.
- 1. Wear black clothes on saturday
- 2. Donate black udid daal (Black Gram).
- 3. Light teel oil(sesame seeds oil) lamp.
- 4. Pour sesame seeds oil on shani devata.
- 5. Chant shani chaalisa or shani devata mantra.
- 6. One can also chant Hanuman chalisa on Saturday.
- 7. If your medical condition permits keep fast on Saturday.
for more details please visit http://www.mypanchang.com premier website for hindu panchangam.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
August 5th / 6th Eclipse
Note: Visibility map
- GMT: Aug 05 23:01 -- Aug 06 02:18
- India: Aug 06 04:31 -- Aug 06 07:48
- PST: Aug 05 16:01 -- Aug 05 19:18
- MST: Aug 05 17:01 -- Aug 05 20:18
- CST: Aug 05 18:01 -- Aug 05 21:18
- EST: Aug 05 19:01 -- Aug 05 22:18
Monday, August 3, 2009
Yajur Upakarma and Avani Avittam 2009
Note: Because of visibility of the eclipse in certain part of the world, our grihya sutras advises that it needs to be performed on bhadrapada purnima instead of shravana punima.
Please check with your mutt on advise. Those who believe that it shouldn'be done the date for them is Sept 3 in Hawaii/PST, and Sept 4th for the rest of the world. The following times
are specified for who interpret that eclipse don't apply to subsequent upakarma but to first upakarma only. However each muttam interprets it's own ways.
We have interpreted as per Dharmasindhu, and Nirnaysindhu.
- Dharmasindhu, Nirnaysindhu way
- Alaska, Hawaii, PST time zone:September 3rd 2009
- Rest of world:September 4th 2009
- Those who believe eclipse doesn't corrupt subsequent upakarmas only first
- USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries, India, Srilanka, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam:August 5th 2009
- Shangai, Hongkong, Yiwu(Zhejiang), Philippines, Japan, Australia, Newzeland, Fiji:August 6th 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Haritatalika, Kevada Teej, Kevada Trij (Guj) 2009
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com/
- USA/Canada, Carrebian, Europe, Gulf Countries, Africa, India, Srilanka:August 22nd 2009
- Rest of the world:August 23rd 2009
Swarna Guari Vratam 2009
- USA/Canada, Carrebian, Europe, Gulf Countries, Africa, India, Srilanka:August 22nd 2009
- Rest of the world:August 23rd 2009
Aja Ekadashi 2009
- USA/Canada, Carrebian, Europe, Gulf Countries, Africa, India, Srilanka:August 16th 2009
- Rest of the world:August 17th 2009
Janmasthami 2009
- Hawaii, Alaska, PST zone (USA) (Smarta): August 12th 2009
- Hawaii, Alaska, PST zone (USA) (Vaishnava): August 13th 2009
- MST (USA), CST (USA), EST (USA) (Samrta and Vaishnava): August 13th 2009
- Rest of the world: August 13th 2009
Shitala Satam 2009
- USA/Canada, Carrebian:August 12th 2009
- Rest of the world:August 13th 2009
Randhan Chhath (Gujarat)
- USA/Canada, Carrebian:August 11th 2009
- Rest of the world:August 12th 2009
Naag Pancham (Gujarat) 2009
- USA/Canada, Carrebian:August 10th 2009
- Rest of the world:August 11th 2009
Bolchoth (Gujarat) 2009
- USA/Canada, Carrebian:August 9th 2009
- Rest of the world:August 10th 2009
Kajari Teej 2009
- USA/Canada, Carrebian:August 8th 2009
- Rest of the world:August 9th 2009
Raksha Bandhan 2009
- USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries, India, Srilanka, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam:August 5th 2009
- Shangai, Hongkong, Yiwu(Zhejiang), Philippines, Japan, Australia, Newzeland, Fiji:August 6th 2009
Putrada Ekadasi 2009
- Hawaii (Smarta):July 31st 2009
- Hawaii (Vaishnava):August 1st 2009
- Rest of World (Smarta and Vaishnava):August 1st 2009
Naag Panchami (Except Gujarat) 2009
- Hawaii, PST (USA/Canada), MST (USA/Canada):July 25th 2009
- Rest of the World:July 26th 2009
Hariyali Teej 2009
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com
- Entire World:July 24th 2009
Diwaso 2009
- USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, Mauritius: July 21st 2009
- Seychelles: July 22nd 2009
- Iran, Iraq, Gulf Coutnries, India, Srilanka, Rest of the world: July 22nd 2009
July 21/22nd 2009 Eclipse
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com Details
- GMT Jul 21 23:58 -- Jul 22 05:13
- IndiaJul 22 05:28 -- Jul 22 10:43
- USA/Canada/PSTJul 21 16:58 -- Jul 21 22:13
- USA/Canada/MSTJul 21 17:58 -- Jul 21 23:13
- USA/Canada/CSTJul 21 18:58 -- Jul 22 00:13
- USA/Canada/ESTJul 21 19:58 -- Jul 22 01:13
Other places please adjust your country's timezone differences from GMT times above
Monday, July 6, 2009
July 7, 2009 Eclipse
- GMT Jul 07 08:32 -- Jul 07 10:45
- IndiaJul 07 14:02 -- Jul 07 16:15
- USA/Canada/PSTJul 07 01:32 -- Jul 07 03:45
- USA/Canada/MSTJul 07 02:32 -- Jul 07 04:45
- USA/Canada/CSTJul 07 03:32 -- Jul 07 05:45
- USA/Canada/ESTJul 07 04:32 -- Jul 07 06:45
- Other places please adjust your country's timezone differences from GMT times above
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Astrological Predictions on Global Economy
Submitted By: Pundit Rallabhandi Anjaneyulu
Global crisis is the main concern which has shaken the economy of the entire world not only the developed countries but also developing countries. This has been continuing since two years, especially from past year where its effect has peaked. Lot of thoughts is being lingering in the mind of common man. Couple of them is; where is the end to this crisis? Will it come out of this or not?Is there any hope of revival from this crisis in near future or not?
Let us analyze astrologically; when will we come out of this? What planets are responsible for this
Saturn entered in LEO on 15th July 2007; here Saturn is in the house of Sun (LEO) who is bitter enemy to Saturn. Staying in that house means associating himself in enemy’s camp but he is also associated with Kethu which is not at all beneficial and comfortable position. Saturn will create havoc financially and with that reason World economy started showing the signs of crisis. Actually signs of crisis started to show from 15th July 2007 onwards. It has slowly picked up the trend and reached its peak from 9th December 2008. This is due to the fact that Jupiter entered the Saturn’s house of Capricorn on that day. For Jupiter entering Saturn’s house means entering into a enemy’s house as both of them are enemy’s and Jupiter also in debilitation. Besides this, Jupiter has joined with Rahu who is malefic planet. Simultaneously Kethu has been relieved from Saturn and moved back into the house of Cancer. Due to this, Jupiter had been weakened Saturn and his malefic power is intensified. With this the whole global economy has been shattered and created fear. This has continued until 1st May 2009. On this day Jupiter entered Aquarius getting relieved from his debilitation and from Rahu. This Aquarius is also Saturn’s moolatrikona house which is also Jupiter’s enemy’s house. In this scenario Jupiter is also opposition to Saturn which is also adverse. With this Jupiter did not gain much strength and the economy did not pick up that well but there is slight sigh of relief from recession, which is very negligible. From 15th June 2009 Jupiter will be in retrogression and will go back to the house of Capricorn on 30th July 2009 and will join with Rahu. From that day onwards we will see the effects of recession again and it will continue till 9th September 2009. Saturn completes his stay of 2-1/2 years in Leo and will enter into Mercury’s house of Virgo on 9th September 2009. As Mercury is the friend of Saturn and he is staying in his friend’s house and as a result of which he will start giving good results. The actual relief from recession starts from 9th September 2009 onwards. Rahu will be moving back to Sagittarius from Capricorn from 19th November 2009 relieving Jupiter from his clutches. At the same time, Kathu will go back to Gemini from 19th November 2009 making way to the recovery path from recession. Jupiter who is in the debilitation in the house of Capricorn will be finally relieved and will enter into the house of Aquarius on 19th December 2009. Finally we will be able to see signs of improvement from recession and the global economy will pick up strength fully and gives financial strength.
Lastly after analyzing the movements of these planets who are responsible for recession we can hope best results from 19th December 2009 and the economy will be in recover mood and we will be able to come out of recession gradually.
The above observations are purely my personal opinion and prediction only.
Note: To find Rahukalam, Yamagandam, Durmuhurtham, and Gulikai Please click on the panchangam link on your left, and then scroll down to your city and click on your city. If you are from South India, Gujarat or Maharastra please click on Amavayant panchangam, and if your are from North India please click on poornimant panchangam. You will find Rahukalam, Yamagandam, Durmuhurtham, and Gulikai, Varjyam timings along with Abhijit Muhurtha and Amrit kala timings. We also provide information like local sunrise, sunset, Tithi, nakshatra, yoga, karana, sun's rasi, moon's rashi, moodyami of guru and shukra. We also have everyday chogadia and lagna table. To learn how to read panchanga please visit this link.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Jagganath Rathyatra
Jagganath Rathyatra
- Hawaii, PST time zone (USA/Canada): June 23rd 2009
- MST, CST, EST (USA/Canada): June 24th 2009
- Rest of world: June 24th 2009
Yogini Ekadashi 2009
Yogini Ekadashi Info
- USA, Canada: June 18th 2009
- Rest of world: June 19th 2009
Vata Savitri Vrata and Puja 2009
Vata savitri vrata and puja Info
- USA, Canada:(Fasting and Puja): June 6th 2009
- Europe: for fasting: June 6th 2009 for puja: June 7th
(For Europe: check your local panchang here and check if chaturdashi ends 2 hours and 24 minutes before sunset and during afternoon on June 6th then take June 6th for fasting otherwise take June 7th ) - Gulf Countries, Africa, India, Australia, Newzealand, Fiji and rest of world:(Fasting and Puja): June 7th 2009
Vaikasi visakam 2009
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com/
Vaikasi visakam
- USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries, Mauritius: June 5th 2009
- Rest of world: June 6th 2009
Apara Ekadashi 2009
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com/
Apara Ekadashi Info
- USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries, India, Srilanka, Bangladesh: May 20th 2009
- Singapore, Malaysia: May 20th 2009
- Japan, Australia, NewZeland, Fiji: May 21st 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
More cities added at mypanchang.com
Following cities were added along with 300 cities already available at the world's #1 hindu panchangam website http://www.mypanchang.com presenting panchang in English, संस्कृत पंचांग, हिन्दी पंचांग, मराठी पंचांग, ગુજરાતી પંચાંગ, ಕನ್ನಡ ಪಂಚಾಂಗ, తెలుగు పంచాంగము, and தமிழ் பஞ்சாங்கம்.
United States:
- Arlington, Virginia
- Ashland, MA
- Birmingham, AL
- Chandler, AZ
- Covina, CA
- El Paso, TX
- Irvine, CA
- Lanham, MD
- Lansing, Michigan
- Midland, TX
- Montclair, CA
- Orlando, FL
- Richmond, Indiana
- Riverside, CA
- Pewaukee, WI
- Peoria, IL
- Tulsa, Oklahoma
- Tuscon, AZ
- Edmonton, Alberta
- Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- Scarborough, Ontario
- St.John's, Newfoundland
- Yiwu(Zhejiang)
- Bhatinda
- Kallakkurichchi
- Mysore
- Patiala
- Udipi
- Hamilton, New Zealand
- Antipolo, Philippines
- Budapest, Hungary
Please visit http://www.mypanchang.com/panchang.html to view latest panchang for over 350 cities in the world.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Which is accurate? Thiru Ganita (Tiru Kantia), Panchangam or Vakyam or Surya Siddhanta Panchangam?
What is Panchanga?
Indian sages were very good in astronomy, astrology, spirituality, medical science and other fields. They used to closely monitor the movements of the earth (the Sun with respect to the earth), the moon, and other planets. They (have) set up observatories with the help of wealthy kings, and they used various yantras (machines) to measure time. The day was measured from sunrise to sunrise. The calendar they made was based on the daily movements of the sun and moon at the time of sunrise. This knowledge has been carefully passed down to us from generation to generation and this calendar is commonly known as the ‘Panchangam’.
Panchangam means “pancha” (five) and “anga” (elements). These five elements are: Vaar (Day), Tithi (Date), Nakshatra (Star), Yoga, and Karana (Half-Tithis). This is what is known as panchangam, panchangamu, panchang, jantri and various other names. They holy sages used this panchangam to find good and bad times during the year. A modern panchangam also lists the daily planetary positions.
The Vaar (Day) is measured from one sunrise to the next sunrise. There are seven vaars: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The Tithi (we also know them as the phases of the moon) is merely an angle between the sun and the moon to increase by 12 degrees. Unlike the western calendar, tithi or vaar can never be exactly 24 hours in length. Tithis begin at varying times of the day and vary in duration from approximately 19 to approximately 26 hours. There can be more than one tithi during the day. These thithis are known as Prathama, Dwitiya, Tritiya, …etc ….. Pournima, Amavasya. There are fifteen tithis in the bright half (Shukla pakasha) ending with the full moon or Pournima and fifteen tithis in the dark half (Krishna paksha) ending with Amavasya. Their end times are shown in the panchangam. The moon completes a full rotation around the earth in roughly 27 to 29 days, visiting every constellation around the earth. There are 27 constellations or Nakshatras and the position of the moon gives us the daily nakshatra (star). Each 13 degrees and 20 minute division of the zodiac is called a Nakshatra. The moon’s movement is not constant, hence giving us the varying lengths of time it spends in each nakshatra. This could be, again, from 19 to 26 hours. The Yoga is the sum of all the longitudes of the sun and the moon. This sum is divided into 27 equal parts and each part is known as one Yoga. The Karana are the half tithis. There are 11 Karanas. Four of them are fixed and the other 7 are repeating karanas.
How panchangam is caluculated?
The panchangam calculation requires two important heavenly bodies – the sun and the moon, and will be as accurate as how these heavenly bodies are calculated. In ancient times, there were many methods of calculating them. The most ancient one is Surya Siddhanta, another is the Vakyam Siddhanta and the later one is the Driga Ganita (Thirukanitha). The Vakyam is an ancient system where planetary motions are described in simple sentences (hence the vakya). The author of Surya Siddhantha mentions that one should observe the sky and make necessary corrections to planetary formulae (Bija samskar) in order to make an accurate panchangam.
The difference between Thiruganita, Vakyam and Surya Siddhanta
This has not been done in 1500 years! The last update was done in the fifth century. Bhaskaracharya, Maharishi Vashistha and Varahamihira have said to make the panchangam as per Drika ganita (which means the results that can be observed using your eyes). If you calculate Venus and Saturn using Vakyam and look in the sky to try and measure the angle between them, it’s not the same result as the Vakya Siddhanta gives you). Now the question is - if you were to buy curtains for your windows, you’ll take measurements and get them accordingly. We will not buy something that is shorter or longer. The very same way, if you use an algorithm to make the panchangam where you cannot observe the position of the moon and sun in the sky, would you even use it? The moon’s motion is very erratic and needs lots of corrections to arrive at accurate readings. How can you define the moon’s motion in one simple sentence where modern astronomers make pages and pages of corrections? The Moon requires corrections in the algorithm every 72 years. The Surya Sidddhantam has not been updated in 1500 years and the Vakyam Siddhanta has not been updated either. The eclipse calculations in the Vakya panchangam and others are copied from the Drika ganita calculations. This has created great confusion in people’s mind. Which one is accurate? The Drika Ganita relies on modern calculations using spherical trigonometry or NASA’s JPL. The inaccuracies in the Vakyam and Surya Siddhatam calculations can have errors of up to two - four hours in thithi and nakshatra, yoga, and karana end times, along with planetary positions.
Why do we require panchangam for different cities?
Most people buy the Panchangam from India and use it everywhere in the world. This is a wrong practice and one could lead to people observing festivals on wrong days and at wrong times abroad. Each festival has a different set of rules about when to observe them. Hindu festivals are generally based on the Thithi and/or Nakshatra as per the lunar calendar (& some as per the solar calendar). For example, Ganesh Chaturthi is Bhadrapada Shukla Chaturthi Madhyahna purvavidha vyapini. Each thithi begins and ends at the same instant all over the world. After correcting for the time zones, the thithi will begin/end at different local times in different parts of the world. The next thing is to decide if the tithi is visible during the specified time. This is done by using local sunrise, local sunset and local moonrise times. Since India has little variation in terms of sunrise/sunset, a panchangam computed for one area of the country is generally usable throughout the country. For example - on a given day if Chaturthi end time is 2:30 PM in India. Hence, UK will observe the chaturthi end time of 9:00 AM. This clearly indicates in the United Kingdom that the Chaturthi tithi is not prevailing during madhyahana kala (noon time) but it does prevail in India. Hence, the UK will celebrate Ganesha chaturthi on the previous day, as the chaturthi prevails during the noon on the previous day (chaturthi start time is 9:30 am in the UK.) What is important is to observe the festival at the right time in your location. If you blindly use the Indian calendar published in India, it won’t be any good to you as the festival observance dates might change due to local sunrise, sunset, moonrise, time differences etc. The panchang available in India only prints end times in Indian standard times. You need to convert them to your local standard time and use local sunrise and sunset to find out when it can be observed. Most common mistakes people do is observing pradosha and ekadashi vrata on wrong days by following the Indian panchangam printed in India.
Panchangam and Festivals
Ekadashi has two rules: Smartha and Vaishnava. The Smarta rule is simple – ekadashi should be visible at the time of local sunrise. The vaishnava follows ekadashi that is not contaminated by dashami thithi. That means, ekadashi should be prevailing two hours before sunrise. Now, if you follow the Indian panchangam abroad, and apply standard time differences, ekadashi might fall (in some cases) a day before India. Hence, people end up fasting on dwadashi rather than on ekadashi. Likewise for Pradosha Vratam, Trayodashi might be prevailing on the previous day in the United Kingdom when compared to India. Now, if you use the Vakya panchangam or the Surya Siddhanta panchangam, then their tithi end times are off by a couple of hours. Hence people could observe festivals on wrong dates. The bottom line is to follow Drika panchangam for your location. Just using any panchanga published in India for abroad isn’t a good idea!
Panchangam and Muhurtha
Muhurtha is another thing alltogether. Which requires combination of Vaar, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karana, Local sunrise, local Lagna (rising sign on the eastern horizon -- which keeps changing every couple of hours as earth rotates on it's own axis it cuts ecliptic on eastern horizon -- This is the first house), etc.... This lagna is always specific to given longitude and latitude. Hence you can't subtract time difference from lagna time in india to arrive the lagna time in foreign country. Timings of lagna will change even in India from place to place and using it in foreign country is out of question even after subtracting time difference. Sun will be always in the first house during the sunrise, during the noon sun will be always in the 10th house, during the sunset always in the 7th house and during midnight sun will be always in the 4th house. So you cannot subtract time difference to arrive at lagna (the 1st house). It will be completely wrong.
Thiruganita and Horoscopes
Most people will cast their loved one's horoscope using thiruganita panchangam. Now I've a hard time understanding the argument that "For festival one should use vakyam because it's divine". The problem is the formulae used in Vakyam are very old and known to rishis at that time. If we use them for festivals then we get error. They say because thithis are apratyaksha (non-visible) and that's why have to use vakyam or surya siddhanta. But if Full moon (Purnima) and the New moon (Amavasya) is the real thing and visible then why to use pambu / vakyam / surya siddhanta panchanga saying tithis and nakshatras are non-visible? Hence always use drika panchangam (Thiruganita panchangam).
http://www.mypanchang.com/ has Drika panchanga for more than 350+ cities all over the world and in many Indian languages. Now in English, संस्कृत, हिन्दी, मराठी, ગુજરાતી, ಕನ್ನಡ, తెలుగు, and தமிழ்.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Panchangam added for various cities in the America, Canada, Middle East, India, Australia, New Zealand. and Europe
There are panchangam in various languages available. संस्कृत पंचांग, हिन्दी पंचांग, मराठी पंचांग, ગુજરાતી પંચાંગ, ಕನ್ನಡ ಪಂಚಾಂಗ, తెలుగు పంచాంగము, and தமிழ் பஞ்சாங்கம்.
Following list of cities are available at mypanchang.com. To see them please click http://www.mypanchang.com/panchang.html and select your city to see various panchang for your city in different languages.

CapeTown, South Africa
Cairo, Egypt
Dar es salam,Tanzania
Durban, South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa
Kinshasa, Congo/Zaire
Lusaka, Zambia
Nairobi, Kenya
PortLouis, Mauritius
Pretoria, South Africa
Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles
Americas (Daylight saving time adjusted)
Albany, NY
Anchorage, AK
Arlington, Virginia, USA
Ashburn, VA
Ashland, MA
Atlanta, GA
Austin, TX
Baltimore, MD
Beaumont, TX
Bedford, IN
Bellingham, WA
Birmingham, AL
Boise, Idaho
Boston, MA
Buffalo, NY
Cary, NC
Chandler, AZ
Charlotte, NC
Chatham, NJ
Chattanooga, TN
Chicago, IL
Cincinnati, OH
Cleveland, OH
Columbus, OH
Concord, CA
Coralville, Iowa
Cupertino, CA
Dallas, TX
Dayton, OH
Denver, CO
DesMoines, Iowa
Detroit, MI
DiamondBar, CA
Edison, NJ
El Paso, TX
Evansville, IN
Fargo, ND
Fort Lauderdale, FL
FortWayne, IN
Fremont, CA
Greensboro, NC
Greenville, SC
Hartford, CT
Hayward, CA
Honolulu, Hawai
Houston, Texas
Indianapolis, IN
Irving, TX
Irvington, TX
Jacksonville, FL
Jonesboro, AR, USA
Kalamazoo, MI
Kansas City, KS
Knoxville, TN
Lancaster, PA
Lanham, MD
Lansing, Michigan, USa
Las Vegas, NV
Lexington, KY
LittleRock, AR
Livermore, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Louisville, KY
Lubbock, TX
Madison, WI
Madrid, Iowa
Malibu, CA
Marlborough, MA
Memphis, TN
Miami, FL
Milpitas, CA
Milwaukee, WI
Minneapolis, MN
Minnesota, MN
Mishawaka / South Bend / Notre Dame, IN
Montclair, CA
Mountain View, CA
Napa, CA
Nashua, NH
Nashville, TN
Navasota, TX
New Cumberland, PA
New Jersey, NJ
New York, NY
Novi, MI
Ocala, FL
Omaha, NE
Orlando, FL, USA
Pearland, TX
Peoria, IL
Philadelphia, PA
Phoenix, AZ
Pittsburgh, PA
Plano, TX
Portland, OR
Raleigh, NC
Reno, NV
Richmond, Indiana
Richmond, VA
Rochester, NY
Roseville(PlacerCounty), CA
Sacramento, CA
San Antonio, TX
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA
San Jose, CA
San Juan, Puerto Rico
San Ramon, CA
SantaClara, CA
Scottsdale, AZ
Seattle, WA
South Jordan, UT
Spokane, WA
Springfield, IL
Springfield, MA
St. Louis, Missouri
St. Paul, MN
Stamford, CT
Stillwater, OK
Stockton, CA
Stuart, FL
Summerville, South Carolina
Sumter, SC
Sunnyvale, CA
Tampa, FL
Temple, TX
Titusville, FL
Toledo, OH
Troy, Alabama
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Tuscon, AZ
Washington, DC
Waterford, CA
Wilmington, DE
Winston, Salem, NC
Yakima, WA
Canada (Daylight saving time adjusted)
Calgary, AB
Montreal, Quebec
Ottawa, ON
Toronto, ON
Vancouver, BC
Victoria, BC
Winnipeg, MB
Bridgetown, Barbados
Georgetown, Guyana
Kingston, Jamaica
Nassau, Bahamas
Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
South America
Paramaribo, Surinam
Middle East (Gulf)
AbuDhabi, UAE
Doha, Qatar
Dubai, UAE
Kuwait City, Kuwait
Manama, Bahrain
Muscat, Oman
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
San'A' , Yemen
Sharjah, UAE
Tehran, Iran
Agra, UP
Ahemadabad (Amadavad), Gujarat
Aligarh, UP
Allahabad, UP
Amadavad, Gujarat
Amaravati, Maharastra
Aurangabad, Maharastra
Bangalore / Bengaluru
Bhatinda, Punjab, India
Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh
Bombay / Mumbai, Maharastra
Culcutta / Kolkata
Delhi / New Delhi
Deoria, UP
Dharwad, Karnataka
Ghaziabad, UP
Guntur, Andra Pradesh
Himatnagar, Gujarat
Hyderabad, AP
Idar, Gujarat
Indore, MP
Jalandhar (Punjab)
Jammu, Kashmir
Jhansi, UP
Jullundhur (Punjab)
Kakinada, AP
Kalyan, India
Kallakkurichchi, Viluppuram, India
Kanpur, UP
Khedabrahma, Gujarat
Kolhapur, Maharastra
Kota, Rajasthan
Machilipatnam, AP (మచిలిపట్నం)
Mangalore, Karnataka
Mathura, UP
Meerut, UP
Mumbai, Maharastra
Mysore, Karnataka, India
Nagpur, Maharastra
Nasik, Maharastra
Nathdwara (Lord Srinathji Temple)
New Delhi
Noida, UP
Palakkad(Palghat), Kerala
Panaji (Panjim), Goa
Pandharpur, Maharastra
Patiala, Punjab, India
Pune, Maharastra
Puri (Jagganath Puri)
Puttur (Near Mangalore)
Raipur, Chhattisgarh
Ranchi, Jharkhand
Saharanpur, UP
Sangli, Maharastra
Satara, Maharastra
Secunderabad, Andra Pradesh
Shiradi (Saibaba Temple)
Srirangam / Thiruvarangam, Tamilnadu, (ஸ்ரீரங்கம்)
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Thiruvarangam / Srirangam, Tamilnadu, (ஸ்ரீரங்கம்)
Tirumala, AP
Udipi, Karnataka, India
Zirapur, Rajgarh, MP
Karachi, Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan
Lahore, Pakistan
Colombo, Srilanka
Jaffna, Srilanka
Kandy, SriLanka
China & Japan
Shanghai, China
Tokyo, Japan
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
South East Asia
Antipolo, Philippines
Bali, Indonesia
Bangkok, Thailand
Hanoi, Vietnam
HongKong, China
Jakarta, Indonesia
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Adelaide, Australia
Brisbane, Australia
Canberra, Australia
Darwin, Australia
Melbourne, Australia
Perth, Australia
Sydney, Australia
Auckland, New Zealand
Hamilton, New Zealand
Nadi, Fiji
Suva, Fiji
Aberdeen, Scotland (UK)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Berlin, Germany
Birmingham, England, UK
Bonn, Germany
Bremen, Germany
Budapest, Hungary
Czarnow, Poland
Dublin, Ireland
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Fort-de-France Martinique
Frankfurt, Germany
Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Hamburg, Germany
Hannover, Germany
Helsinki, Finland
Homburg-Saarland, Germany
Ipswich, UK
Leicester, UK
Kiev, Ukraine
London, UK
Maastricht, Netherlands
Madrid, Spain
Malaga, Spain
Manchester, UK
Munich, Germany
Nuremberg, Germany
Odense, Denmark
Oslo, Norway
Paris, France
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Regensburg, Germany
Stockholm, Sweden
Warsaw, Poland
Zurich, Switzerland
Monday, April 27, 2009
Mohini Ekadashi 2009
Mohini Ekadashi
- USA, Canada, Europe, Gulf countries: May 4th 2009
- Rest of world May 5th 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Releasing தமிழ் பஞ்சாங்கம் (Tamil Panchangam)
I am pleased to announce release of the first on-line multilingual "drik" panchanga at mypanchang.com with the latest release of tamil panchangam on mypanchang.com. With the inclusion of Tamil panchangam now we have Panchangams in English, संस्कृत पंचांग, हिन्दी पंचांग, मराठी पंचांग, ગુજરાતી પંચાંગ, ಕನ್ನಡ ಪಂಚಾಂಗ, తెలుగు పంచాంగము, தமிழ் பஞ்சாங்கம்.
For more details please visit http://www.mypanchang.com/panchang.html and click on your city. We have panchangas for over 350+ cities worldwide. These multilingual panchangam will be available from 2009 onwards. The 2008 and before are available only in English. We currently support both chandramana and sourmana in tamil panchangam.
If you find some mistakes in tamil panchangam please feel free to contact us at tamilpanchang at mypanchang dot com.
- Tamil Panchangam: Surya Narayanan Subbiah, Paddy Rama, Rama Srinivasan, Rajesh Krishnaswamy, and many others without their help it wasn't possible.
- Kannada Panchangam: I would like to thank Dr. Ramachandra Joisa for helping with Kannada panchangam.
- Telugu Panchangam: I would like to thank Pundit Rallabhandi Anjaneyulu and Pundit Sistla Somayajulu and Pundit Vasudev Ravuru. Without their help this wasn't possible.
Future plans:
- Malayalam Panchangam.
- Bengali Panchang
Monday, April 20, 2009
Availability of Panchanga in Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada and Telugu languages
I am pleased to announce release of the first on-line multilingual "drik" panchanga at mypanchang.com. Currently we have it in English, Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit, Gujarati, Kannada and Telugu. We are currently working on releasing Tamil panchangam. For more details please visit http://www.mypanchang.com/panchang.html and click on your city. We have panchangas for over 350+ cities worldwide. These multilingual panchangam will be available from 2009 onwards. The 2008 and before are available only in English.
- Kannada Panchangam: I would like to thank Dr. Ramachandra Joisa for helping with Kannada panchangam.
- Telugu Panchangam: I would like to thank Pundit Rallabhandi Anjaneyulu and Pundit Sistla Somayajulu and Pundit Vasudev Ravuru. Without their help this wasn't possible.
Currently we are working on tamil panchangam. If you are familiar with tamil panchanga terms and want to help us please contact us at mypanchang at live dot com. We'll provide you with information. Alternatively you may contact us at tamilpanchang at mypanchang dot com.
Monday, April 13, 2009
The online telugu panchangam
How to access panchangam:
- You can access our panchangam at http://www.mypanchang.com/ and click on Panchangam / Calendar. Alternatively you can visit http://www.mypanchang.com/panchang.html and click on your city.
- Once you click your city then you can click on Telugu panchangamu for telugu, Hindi panchang for hindi, and Gujarati panchang for Gujarati.
For Example:
Please click on following links and click on appropriate languages. Likewise you can visit http://www.mypanchang.com/panchang.html and select your city.
- Please visit this link for Tirumala, AP.
- Please visit this link for Hydrabad, AP.
- Please visit this link for Vijayawada, AP.
- Please visit this link for Bombay, Mumbai, Maharastra.
- Please visit this link for Seattle, WA, USA.
- Please visit this link for Livermore, CA.
Credits for conversion to Telugu Language and Telugu panchangam specific details:
If you would like to contribute or help in generating panchangam for Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam or Bengali please drop me a note at mypanchang at live dot com.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Hanuman Jayanti / Hanuman Jayanthi
Hanuman Jayanthi
- Hawaii: April 8th 2009
- Rest of world: April 9th 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
When is Asthami in Chaitra Navaratri in 2009
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com
When is Asthami in Chaitra Navaratri in 2009
- USA, Canada: April 2nd 2009
- Europe, Africa, Gulf countries, Mauritius: April 2nd 2009
- India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka: April 3rd 2009
- China, Manglolia, Indonesia: April 3rd 2009
- Thiland, Vietnam, Hongkong: April 3rd 2009
- Malaysia: April 3rd 2009
- Singapore, Japan, Australia: April 3rd 2009
- Newzealand, Fiji: April 3rd 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Akshay Tritiya 2009
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com
Akshay Tritiya
- Entire World: April 27th 2009
for more details and predictions please visit http://www.mypanchang.com
Baisakhi / Punjabi New Year
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com
Baisakhi / Punjabi New Year
- USA, Canada: April 13th 2009
- Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries, India, Pakistan, Srilanka, China April 14th 2009
- Far East April 14th 2009
- Australia, New Zealand,Fiji April 14th 2009
for more details and predictions please visit http://www.mypanchang.com
Oriya / Orissa New Year / Maha Vishuba Sankranti
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com
Oriya New Year
- USA, Canada: April 13th 2009
- Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries, India, Pakistan, Srilanka, China April 14th 2009
- Far East April 14th 2009
- Australia, New Zealand,Fiji April 14th 2009
for more details and predictions please visit http://www.mypanchang.com
Bohag Bihu (Assam New Year) 2009
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com
Assam New Year (Bohag Bihu)
- USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries: April 14th 2009
- India, Pakistan, Srilanka, China April 16th 2009
- Far East April 16th 2009
- Australia, New Zealand,Fiji April 16th 2009
for more details and predictions please visit http://www.mypanchang.com
Bengali New Year Pohela Boisakh
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com
Bengali New Year (Pohela Boisakh)
- USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries: April 14th 2009
- India, Pakistan, Srilanka, China April 16th 2009
- Far East April 16th 2009
- Australia, New Zealand,Fiji April 16th 2009
Vishu 2009
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com
- USA, Canada, Europe, Africa, Gulf Countries: April 14th 2009
- India, Pakistan, Srilanka, China April 14th 2009
- Far East April 14th 2009
- Australia, New Zealand,Fiji April 15th 2009
Tamil New Year / 2009
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com
Tamil New Year
- USA, Canada: April 13th 2009
- Rest of world April 14th 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Navaratri fasts (Upavasa) Asthami and Navami
When there is a tithi kshaya or tithi vriddhi then do puja accordingly, do it on both days if tithi vriddhi or one day or if one tithi kshaya (three tithis in a day) then do puja twice on that day.
One should not do more or less navaratri or puja than family tradition (kulachar).
When there is a asthami visible during sunrise that day should be asthami, even if it's mixed with navami, in that case perform asthami related puja on that day. Chaitra navaratri in 2009 in the USA has one day less for navaratri, and asthami in USA is on April 2nd 2009 and hence the puja should be done on April 2nd in USA not on April 3rd 2009. April 3rd 2009 is Rama Navami (Shuddha), not asthami. The asthami tithi doesn't even prevail for a second on April 3rd 2009 in the USA.
for details on finding tithis in your area please visit http://www.mypanchang.com/panchang2009.html
Why Indian calendar is not applicable in usa? read this.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
2009-10 virodhi yugadi/ugadi panchanga sravanam
Monday, March 23, 2009
Rama navami 2009 / (Ramnavami 2009)
For Smartha
USA, Canada: April 3rd 2009
Europe, Africa, Gulf countries, Mauritius: April 3rd 2009
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka: April 3rd 2009
China, Manglolia, Indonesia: April 3rd 2009
Thiland, Vietnam, Hongkong: April 3rd 2009
Malaysia: April 3rd 2009
Singapore, Japan, Australia: April 3rd 2009
Newzealand, Fiji: April 4th 2009
For Vaishnava
USA, Canada: April 3rd 2009
Europe, Africa, Gulf countries, Mauritius: April 3rd 2009
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka: April 3rd 2009
China, Manglolia, Indonesia: April 4th 2009
Thiland, Vietnam, Hongkong: April 4th 2009
Malaysia: April 4th 2009
Singapore, Japan, Australia: April 4th 2009
Newzealand, Fiji: April 4th 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Telugu New year / Kannada New Year / Gudi Padwa / Chaitra Navaratri / Vikrami New Year
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com/
(The #1 website for panchangam for the world.)
- Hawaii: March 26th 2009
- USA, Canada: March 27th 2009
- Europe, Africa, Gulf countries, Mauritius: March 27th 2009
- India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka: March 27th 2009
- China, Manglolia, Indonesia: March 27th 2009
- Thiland, Vietnam, Hongkong: March 27th 2009
- Malaysia: March 27th 2009
- Singapore, Japan, Australia, Newzealand, Fiji: March 27th 2009
for more details please visit http://www.mypanchang.com
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
2009 Virodhi Ugadi Panchangam
1) http://www.mypanchang.com/
2) http://www.mypanchang.com/Why-there-is-a-one-day-difference-in-hindu-festival-dates-in-India-and-America.php
Virodhi Ugadi
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com/ (The #1 website for panchangam for the world.)
Following dates are for 2009's Ugadi
- Hawaii: March 26th 2009
- USA, Canada: March 27th 2009
- Europe, Africa, Gulf countries, Mauritius: March 27th 2009
- India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka: March 27th 2009
- China, Manglolia, Indonesia: March 27th 2009
- Thiland, Vietnam, Hongkong: March 27th 2009
- Malaysia: March 27th 2009
- Singapore, Japan, Australia, Newzealand, Fiji: March 27th 2009
for more details please visit http://www.mypanchang.com
Saturday, March 14, 2009
First time in Seattle Area
(Free of charge)
Date and time:
Saturday, March 28, 2009
2:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Hindu Temple and Cultural Center
3818, 212TH ST SE
Bothell, WA 98021
(425) 483 7115
Organized by:
Topics covered:
- Understanding basics of Panchangam.
- Scientific principles behind Panchangam.
- Understanding planetary phenomena, eclipse, and retrogressions, etc...
- Understanding Vedic Ritus (seasons), Ayana, Gola etc...
- What is Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana?
- How to read Panchangam and understand Panchangam.
- Importance of Panchangam and Muhurtham and how to find basic Muhurtham.
The class will cover basics of Hindu Panchangam. It will show you how to read and interpret Panchangam, some basics about Muhurtham, scientific principles behind Vedic Panchangam, details of planetary phenomena, eclipses, and other topics. The class will start at 2:30 PM sharp at the Hindu Temple and Cultural Center. For details please email to mypanchang@live.com or call (425) 445 9117.
Virodhi Yugadi (Ugadi), Gudi Padawa, Hindu New Year, Chaitri Navaratra, Vikrami New Year
Reference: http://www.mypanchang.com/
(The #1 website for panchangam for the world.)
- Hawaii: March 26th 2009
- USA, Canada: March 27th 2009
- Europe, Africa, Gulf countries, Mauritius: March 27th 2009
- India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka: March 27th 2009
- China, Manglolia, Indonesia: March 27th 2009
- Thiland, Vietnam, Hongkong: March 27th 2009
- Malaysia: March 27th 2009
- Singapore, Japan, Australia, Newzealand, Fiji: March 27th 2009
for more details please visit http://www.mypanchang.com