
तत्त्द् गतिवशन्नित्यं यथा दृक्-तुल्यतां ग्रहाः।
प्रयान्ति तत्प्रवक्ष्यामि स्फ़ुटिकरणमादरात्॥
सुर्य सिद्धान्त ॥

यस्मिन् पक्षे यत्र काले येन दृग्गणितैक्यम्।
दृश्यते तेन पक्षेण कुर्यात्तिथ्यादिनिर्णयम्॥

यात्राविवाहोत्सवजातकादौ खेटैः स्फुटैरेवफलस्फुटत्वम्।
स्यात्प्रोच्यते तेन नभश्चराणां स्फुटक्रिया दृग्गणितैक्यकृद्या॥

तिथिर्विष्णुस्तथा वारो नक्षत्रं विष्णुरेव च।
योगश्च करणं चैव सर्वं विष्णु मयं जगत्॥


Monday, May 31, 2010


For Panchanga / Panchang Please visit www.mypanchang.com today.


For panchangam visit www.mypanchang.com

More features added at mypanchang.com

Added following items in all panchangams in english (current and history):

1. Vikrami Year (North)
2. Vikrami Year (Gujarat)
3. Fixed Shaka years

Following items are added to current panchangam (2009 onwards)
1. Abhijit Nakshatra start and End timings.
2. Added Panchaka/Panchak details
3. Added Sun's nakshatra -- Important for muhurtha calculations.
4. Fixed Shaka years.
5. Added Vikrami year for North and Vikram Samvat for Gujarat.

Upcoming addtions: (with in a month)
1. Important Yogas like Ravi, Gurupushyamrit yoga, sarvasiddhi yoga, Amrit yoga
2. Amrit/Siddha/Marana Yoga daily
3. Anandadi Yoga
4. Instant tarabalam checker

Please visit www.mypanchang.com today. Please please please send us
your feedback at shastriji at mypanchang dot com

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

100 years panchangam available

We have 100 years panchangam available for most timezones at www.mypanchang.com. Please visit www.mypanchang.com today and click on 100 years panchangam. It gives panchangam for year 1900 to current year 2010, and 2011.

If you have questions please write to shastriji at mypanchang dot com

Sunday, May 16, 2010

New features Annoucements

Om mahaganapataye namah
Om namo nArAyaNAya
om Namashshivaya

On this auspicious Akshaya Tritiya day I would like to present some features on our premier hindu panchangam website http://www.mypanchang.com. We started in 2007 and in 3 and half years we are almost at 4 million users. It’s my promise that we’ll continuously add more features for end users. We have added following new features on our website:

1. A complete new mobile site: http://m.mypanchang.com This can be accessed via high end phones like Iphone and Windows Mobile 6.5+, Android, Symbian and higher phones with support for javascript, cookies, and CSS and a data plan. To access this site you’ll need to logon to m.mypanchang.com. If you access mypanchang.com with a mobile phone you’ll be automatically redirected to this new site. You can access most contents available on desktop version on this site.

2. Windows Mobile Sidebar Gadget: We have written a sidebar gadget for windows Vista and Windows 7 o/s. You can download this from http://www.mypanchang.com/sidebargadget.php. You can also search on windows live gallery for Hindu Panchangam Gadget.
3. Web Gadget: We have gotten many request to display panchangam on users websites, or blogs with mypanchang.com data. We have heard you. You can visit http://www.mypanchang.com/panchang2010.html and first select your city and then click on “Code to embed Panchangam” button to get code. You can paste anywhere in your html where you want to display panchangam. If you want to display it please use it and email us your site name. We’ll proudly display your site on our site. There are some sites already using it. Some of the sites using it:
4. RSS Feed: We have also RSS feed option so you can get your city’s daily panchangam in your inbox. All you need to do is visit our site http://www.mypanchang.com/panchang.html and select your Country and City and click on either “Save and Show Panchangam” button or “Just Show Panchangam” button and then you can click on “RSS” icon. Microsoft Outlook and other email programs can subscribe to the RSS Feeds. Alternatively you can use Internet Explorer to subscribe RSS Feed. You can paste the FEED url into your outlook and then your outlook will automatically update your daily panchang. Alternatively you can use this feature on your mobile phones and use RSS Readers. Windows Mobile 6.5+ and Iphone comes with RSS Reader. If you want more details please contact me.

5. New Format for 2011 Panchangam: We got many request to present a panchangam in a printable format. We have heard you. With this we have new format. From December 2010 you’ll get both the traditional and new formats. Many other formats coming soon. Please stay tuned. Please let us know if there is any error so we can correct it.

6. New format for traditional format: We have included shaka year number. Samvatsara name. Important for daily sankalpa. Also we have included tooltips so when you hoover on the date you’ll get the tool tip. Please let us know if there is any error so we can correct it.

7. Advertisements: The cost of hosting has risen. We have now dedicated server and they are expensive. Hence we have decided to include advertisements. If you feel like supporting us please click on our sponsors advertisements. This will help us site going.
My inspiration is my grandfather. With his blessings I have started this site. My family has supported me all the way. My wife Nayana has supported a lot for this website. I've put countless hours. She isn't a programmer or a techie. But whenever I am stuck she will say, Anything I can help?. Without her support I wouldn’t be able to present this site to you. Thank you Nayana for supporting me.

Once again If you have any questions about our site or new features. Please feel free to call me or drop a note.
In service of God
Pundit Mahesh Shastriji

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hindu Panchangam available on mobile phones -- Iphone, Windows Mobile etc..

You are at temple and wanted to check Rahukalam? Today's nakshatra? and other information and no computer available? or access to panchangam or computers? If you are a priest and going to someone's house for puja and you want to check today's nakshatra and other information for your city? We have gotten many requests from people to provide mobile panchangam and we've heard you. Your worries end now. Your favourite mypanchang.com site has gone mobile now. All you need is javascript enabled browser on your mobile phone (Opera browser or IE on windows mobile, Iphone, etc...) with mobile internet connection. all you have to do is visit following site and it's very easy to remember:


You'll be presented with a default panchang for Seattle, WA, USA but you can change your location by clicking the link on top of the screen http://m.mypanchang.com/mobilechangeloc.html). However, you'll need javascript enabled browser. For best viewing in the display settings of browser uncheck following, "Automatic full screen", Select Minmum font size to "normal". With this you can have mobile panchang free on your cell phone. We'll keep adding features to this mobile site. Currently you can view only today's panchangam, but we are working on providing full fledged panchangam on your mobile phone. all you need is javascript enabled browser. I've tested it on my windows mobile 6.5 phone. (HTC TILT with Opera & IE browser).

Please remember to give your feedback to us. we'll launch official site m.mypanchang.com on auspicious akshaya tritiya May 16th 2010.
Questions ? Read following.
  • Supported Mobile Phones: Any Phone that has internet capabilitiy with a browser that supports javascript, cookies. Currently we have tested it with windows mobile 6.0 and above with Opera Browser. We have some issues with IE on windows 6.0. Tested on Iphone, Symbian OS.
  • Supported Browsers: Opera on Windows mobile phone seems to be working well. Default browser on Iphone and Symbian OS works well. Waiting for Windows Mobile 7 Phones.
  • Setting Default Location: Sometimes you'll see your default location isn't setting. To overcome this you can set your location here and then bookmark the resulting page after clicking Save Default button. This will ensure you'll have your city displayed all the time. This is because your browser may not be supporting cookies.
  • Selecting another date: To view panchangam for another date click on the edit box before the "Select a Date" button and then after selecting a new date click on the Select a Date button. Until you press this button the panchang for requested date will not be displayed. When you click on the date edit box and don't see the control please enter the date there in YYYY-MM-DD format. Here try to make sure the year is 4 digits. the month is 2 digits. If January enter 01, for dates less than 10 start it with zero same goes with a month. For example: 2010-01-09.
  • Questions: Please send email to shastriji at mypanchang dot com.

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